Canon EOS 6D Mark IIAs an event and portrait photographer, I really like to get in the middle of the action and have fun!
I love photographing moments that are unique and that truly capture the feeling of the occasion, whether it’s a fundraiser, graduation, sorority event or wedding. I work very hard at making sure I get the kind of photographs that you remember and cherish, and I’m a perfectionist during the post-production process as well.
As a fine art photographer, I have always been drawn to photography as a means of my own self-expression and it’s allowed me to vary my art over the years because of it’s ever-changing medium. When I’m drawn to a subject or a theme, it helps me identify myself as an artist and to express my interpretation of the world around me, but I have always loved sitting quietly, watching as if I were a fly on the wall.
Years ago while living in San Francisco, I started shooting street photography walking around The City with my camera, constantly observing people that lived on those streets everyday. From homeless men to Chinese immigrants, I was fascinated by my worldly city that surrounded me in my neighborhoods…but I felt more comfortable watching from a distance. I branched out further and continually traveled the world for several years, again with my camera in hand. From Australia to West Africa and Italy, I began to feel more comfortable engaging with people in their environments of these foreign worlds I was initially observing.
I started getting closer once again to my subjects and photographed my beautiful tulip garden I had years ago, as well as 101 portraits of dogs I met while walking my dog along Highway 101 in San Diego. Then I eventually had a fine art show with my macro flower photographs a few years ago.
I’ve started out as street observer but with each project I’ve allowed myself to get closer and closer and now with events I photograph I’m right smack in the middle!
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