Porträtfotografen in Santa Maria-Santa Barbara

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Die Top Santa Maria-Santa Barbara Porträtfotografen, 2024

Stöbere in diesen bestbewerteten porträtfotografen aus Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA

Portrait photographer in Santa Maria-Santa Barbara
Kay N.
Santa Maria-Santa Barbara
camera Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Kay Noire is a Professional Photographer, Retoucher, Storyteller and lover of light. She is a trilingual world traveler that has captured life via analogue and digital photography all across Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Professional Photography from Brooks Institute, California, as well as a Bachelor's Degree in Literature-Arts-Media and German Literature from the University of Konstanz, Germany. She started out as a a nature photography, worked as a journalist, before learning the ins and outs of scientific and product/table-top photography. She is most passionate about Stop-Action, Underwater, black light and all kinds of People Photography. An intriguing concept, impactful story-telling and beautiful fairy-tale lighting gives her the most joy when shooting.

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Portrait photographer in Santa Maria-Santa Barbara
Dante B.
Santa Maria-Santa Barbara
camera Canon EOS 5D Mark III

I studied Photography at UC Santa Barbara and Santa Barbara City College, After finishing school, I started as an assistant photographer doing Fashion Shoots, Elementary Shoots which consisted of taking pictures of children in the classroom for a marketing promotion of a Charter School. Also Architectural Photography. After that, I did the following Photography Jobs, for a Startup Swimwear Company, IPhone Case Company called ReelCase, JuicePlus Entrepreneur, Spicy Gourmet, Boku Superfoods, Brand Ambassador, Couple of Magazines.

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Statistik für Santa Maria-Santa Barbara Porträtfotografie

Durchschnittliche Startbewertung pro Porträt-Auftrag5.0
Porträt Santa Maria-Santa Barbara Shootingaufträge pro Tag43
Durchschnittliche Dauer eines Porträt-Shootingauftrags (Stunden)1.5
Porträt Fotos pro Stunde in Santa Maria-Santa Barbara aufgenommen161