Sportfotografen in Wichita

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Die Top Wichita Sportfotografen, 2024

Stöbere in diesen bestbewerteten sportfotografen aus Wichita, KS

Sport photographer in Wichita
Jim M.
camera Nikon D700, Nikon D300

Jim Meyer started his career in 1974 as a B&W film specialist creating images of architecture, special effects both using available light and controlled studio lighting. Over the years shooting for aviation, manufacturing and agricultural clients. One of the longest client relationships was a 41 year stint as the publicity photographer for the Kansas State Fair. The client list also included a number of major advertising agencies and design houses in several states. Jim is driven as a problem solver and a team player, always looking for the best way to present a subject through his lenses.

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Sport photographer in Wichita
Allison G.
camera Canon EOS 6D

Self-taught photographer based in central Ilinois, passionate about travel, camping, coffee, sustainability, and health and fitness. For Allison, photography is a way of life. Growing up in a digital age and being able to capture memories with friends and family through photos became her way of asking questions, exploring their possibilities, then telling the story. Allison’s inspiration to tell a story through photos has also transitioned into video. Both mediums provide a way to explore her many interests. Currently, she is most fascinated by capturing photos which convey a deep sense of humility to the planet’s vast environments of mountains, oceans, desserts and more, and how humans interact with it and connect to it.

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Statistik für Wichita Sportfotografie

Sport Wichita Shootingaufträge pro Tag1
Durchschnittliche Dauer eines Sport-Shootingauftrags (Stunden)2.0
Sport Fotos pro Stunde in Wichita aufgenommen4