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Dave F.

Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 4.9 von 5 basierend auf 43 bewertungen

AWARD-WINNING Gold Coast photographer, Dave Fox, specialises in SPECIAL EVENTS, such as business events, weddings, family gatherings, birthday parties, marriage proposals, engagements, anniversaries, maternity, and newborns. For over 40 years Dave’s goal has always been to show people how amazing they are and how beautiful they are.





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Mehr über Dave F....

Was liebst du an deinem Job?

I love getting to know people and bringing out the best in them during a photo shoot. I also love a challenge. In fact, the more challenging a job or situation is, the more motivated I am to succeed and exceed all expectations. My clients always tell me how much they enjoyed the shoot because I know how to get people to relax and bring out their best for the photos. The reward for me has always been the reaction of my clients when they see their photographs, or when they say wonderful things about me and my work on social media. It's really nice knowing that you are providing keep-sake memories they will cherish for a lifetime.

Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?

A great portrait is all about showing who that person is. The challenge is bringing out that person when your subject gets in front of the camera. Most people aren't comfortable having their photo taken, and if you can't get them to take their mind off of the photography, you will never end up with capturing the real person in front of you. This is where personality and psychology come into play. I have special techniques I use to give the brain a task so they are not thinking of the camera. Humour, silliness, and music can also help with some clients. I asked one of my book author clients to recite some of the poetry in her book as a means to get her to relax. The end results were fantastic and my client loved the photos.

Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen

Several acceptances in different international exhibitions.
Highly Commended in The Mono Awards.
Merits and Honours from a local camera club I'm a member of.

Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen

I was an Ambassador of Goodwill for Rotary International.
This scholarship brought me to Australia from America where I visited local Rotary Clubs and talked about cultures.
I was Editor-In-Chief of the student newspaper at Bond Uni for two years.
I met my beautiful Australian wife Dawn, got married, and eventually became an Australian Citizen.

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