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Jim C.

Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 4.8 von 5 basierend auf 21 bewertungen

Jim is an experienced professional photographer/videographer who has work with many clients and customers in New York City and all over the world for over 10 years. I hold a graduate degree in Communications TV & Film Broadcast. My passion for photography comes from being hands-on and being creative to create meaningful stories with images.

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Sony A7R II | Sony FS5 | Panasonic UX90


Samyang 24mm f/3.5 | Sony 16-35mm f/4 | Sony 18-105mm f/4 | Sony 50mm f/1.8



Mehr über Jim C....

Was liebst du an deinem Job?

I love being able to be hands-on with my equipment, being present in the moment and being able to work with people is what I love about my job. I love that everyday is different.

Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?

I have done many real estate shoots, events and food photography. I give every shot I take the attention it deserves, adhere to standards, and doing my best to make it look great.

Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen

I don't actively seek awards or recognition for my work. The rewarding part of my job is being able to produce great work and hearing the praise from my clients. That is enough for me. I am a Google My Business-certified photographer.

Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen

I love spending time with my family and traveling. I love to sing karaoke songs from the 80s/90s. It started when I was in a choir in grade school.

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