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Rene F.

Durchschnittliche Bewertung von 5.0 von 5 basierend auf 1 bewertungen

Rene has always been involved in some form of digital art, starting with digital painting and illustration in High School and College, and expanding that experience at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) where she earned her BFA in Interactive Design and Game Development. Surprisingly, there is a decent amount of crossover with 3D art and Photography, including lighting, composition, and technical skills in Photoshop. Thanks to that foundation in a different medium, she was able to easily apply those skills to photography, and add a new perspective to her photographic work. She tends to favor nature photography in her free time, but also has experience doing architectural photography for a local architectural design company, and some paid sports photography as well.

Rene F. jetzt buchen arrowAutomatische Matches

Pentax K-3 II


Pentax 100mm f/2.8 | Pentax 300mm f/4 | Sigma 14mm F2.8 EX Aspherical HSM Nikon | Pentax 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6






Mehr über Rene F....

Was liebst du an deinem Job?

I absolutely love learning new things and overcoming new challenges, and photography is an endless source of challenges to overcome. Unlike other mediums, you're able to get instant feedback of your artistic endeavors, which makes it very easy to experiment with new things, and see right away when something is or isn't working. I don't like to settle on one subject or style, so the freedom I get to try new things is my favorite part of the job.

Welche Shootings hast du schon gemacht und wie hast du sie besonders gemacht?

I have done quite a few shoots for a local architectural design firm, and was met with a few challenges on a couple of them. One was a vacation home, where the owners were out of town and left their car parked in front of the home. The client didn't want the vehicle to distract from their design work, so I worked to get enough shots to be able to photoshop the car out in post production. Needless to say, the client was thrilled that I was able to remove a very large object from the photograph without being able to tell that it had been retouched.

Erhaltene Preise, Ehrungen und Anerkennungen

Winner of Pentax 100 Years of History Weekly Contest in both the "Sunsets" and "Landscapes" category
Featured on Canadian Geographic Official Instagram
Multiple Features on Ricoh Imaging/Pentax (My camera maker) official Instagram
Society for Conservation Biology, Kingston Chapter 17th Annual Nature Photo Contest and Silent Auction Winner in "Flora" category

Wissenswertes über diesen Fotografen

I've done work in many fields of art, including graphic design, 3D modeling, illustration, and photography. In my free time I enjoy kickboxing, playing video games, and going on hikes with my two Samoyed dogs.

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