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Stephen O.

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Stephen Owusu is a New York based photographer with six years of experience. He is a photographer, a Retoucher and all around artist. During these years of work he has learned the Camera inside and out. From the artistic aspect to the technical aspect that gets him the exact look he's going for, and the look you'll appreciate.

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Canon EOS 5D Mark III


Canon 70-200mm f/2.8




More about Stephen O....

What do you love about your job?

I love how a picture is worth a thousand words without you having to utter a single word. I love capturing moments, a shine in a person's eyes, a smile that is completely candid, a story that is completely honest through the lens of my Camera.

What types of shoots have you done and how did you make them special?

I have done maternity shoots portrait shoots and also family and event photography. What I have noticed in all of these photo shoot is that the photographer customer experience is key. It can feel mechanical it has to be organic. A certain level of comfort has to be there for the shoot to be special. I would usually ask the model what got them into modeling and what they hope to get out of this shoot.

A fun fact about this photographer

I am an avid fitness enthusiasts. A life long learner and not a stranger to adaptation. I am always ready at a momments notice to adapt to any given situation.

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