The 10 Most Overused Stock Photos

The most clichéd stock images on the web.

The Success Jump

Have you ever seen someone jump up 'eureka' whenever they reach their goal? The success jump involves a group of business people jumping for joy. They have busy lives, but they sure do know how to have fun! I’m convinced this must be an amazing place to work… not.

The Handshake

The closely cropped photo of the handshake is definitely a better way to communicate a reputable firm than one with genuine faces.

The Multicultural Team of Collaborators

The multicultural team of collaborators is a perfect shot to showcase a diverse workplace environment. It's meant to represent the idea of teamwork and cooperation. Bonus points if they are all sharing one no-brand laptop or tablet - now that’s resource efficiency!

Tom, The Transparent Whiteboard Thinker

Never have I ever seen someone write on a transparent board for ideas. I’d probably get tired of writing backwards. Bonus points of its generic business buzzwords or an infinite loop flowchart.

Frank, The Friendly Senior Business Guy

The friendly senior business guy. I don’t know what makes him so important in this modern day business world, but he just is. Frank also has to shakes a lot of hands. I hope he uses hand sanitiser.

Sean, The Stressed Technology Guy

Do you want to remind your customers about the drawback and frustrating moments in the workplace? Showcase this with a stressed looking man in front of his laptop. They’ll definitely buy your product when they see it next to Sean.

Rebecca, The Attractive Call Centre Girl

You see Rebecca everywhere. The attractive call centre girl would convey a friendly, customer-service oriented company. I mean who doesn’t love a generic smiling headset lady?

Steve, The Corporate Superhero

Do you want to show your customers that you have super-human-like skills to help them through their needs? Maybe add a logo underneath that collared shirt. 

James, The Businessman In A Field

After a hard day at work, James magically teleports himself in a beautiful verdant field. Not only that, he jumps for joy, suit still on and holding a suitcase. This stock photo leaves me in complete confusion. What’s this got to do with anything, anyways? Besides the fact that it shows freedom and happiness. I mean, he probably quit his job or is getting ready for an exciting weekend.


We all know that a sprout is symbolic of growth in a company!

Why stock photos should be avoided

There are better ways to improve your landing page and optimise your content. Stock photos ideally should be avoided as they can cheapen your brand.

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