Top 5 Spots for Family Photography in Los Angeles

These are Snappr's top 5 favorite spots for taking family portraits in and around Los Angeles, California.

The family portrait is one of the most hallowed and dreaded of occasions. As a professional photographer, it is your task to freeze a moment in time and preserve forever the family unit, hiding any squabbles and family drama and only bringing out the love and beauty. The right setting goes a long way in doing this. It allows the family to relax, enjoy the time spent, get out of their shells and show their best selves. It also allows them to see themselves in a way they haven't before, and frames the image in an exciting background. Here are some of our favorite places to shoot family portraits if you're in Los Angeles, California.

Griffith Park

One of the largest urban parks in North America, this green sanctuary provides a gorgeous setting for any occasion.There are many options from raw, rugged, natural forests, beautifully manicured lawns on the various golf courses, architectural masterpieces such as the Griffith Observatory. The park offers many different scenic options and starting with the natural morning light to the soft glow of the setting sun, there is an abundance of choices.

Hollywood Sign (Hollywood Hills Park)

This iconic setting is perfect for a casual yet fun photo shoot. From the Hollywood Hills Park, you have an unobstructed view and hundreds of perfect spots to choose from to bring it in close view, or for fun strategic shots in the background that play with perspective.

Getty Park

For another exciting outdoor photo shoot, consider Getty Park, which gives you stunning green backdrops and refreshing space in which to conduct a shoot. It's perfect for action shots of the family playing together and having fun. Capture them tossing a frisbee, or running after a stray ball; frozen in the air after a jump or rolling on the floor laughing. The open space of the park means that you have the freedom to select from multiple angles until you find the perfect shot. The park itself offers many attractions such as the beautiful artwork on display, and the family can get to enjoy a tour of this iconic park after a long day of fun shooting!

OUE Skyspace

One of the most modern and exciting spaces to be found in LA, the OUE Skyspace is a unique setting for a photo shoot. Capture the thrill on their faces as they come down the skyslide, or take a shot with the amazing skyline in the background. The choice is yours. The 360 degree views allow you to capture your choice of refreshing sunrise or breathtaking sunset. And the amazing experience for the family ensures that your subjects are relaxed and happy, so you capture only smiles and laughter.

Venice Beach

White sandy beaches always bring out the best in people. This venue is perfect for families with young children and pets. You can play with the surf and sand, taking gorgeous water shots or poignant silhouettes. Along the expanse of the 3 mile beach, stake out your position early, as it can get exciting, but look for secluded spots where you can shoot for an uninterrupted stretch of time.

Happy shooting!