Top 5 Spots for Graduation Photography in Melbourne

These are Snappr's top 5 favorite spots to take graduating seniors for that special photo.

Five of the best locations for graduation photos in Melbourne written by: pearl6892 Finding a great venue for graduation pictures in Melbourne is easy. The city offers a variety of spaces that add different layers in pictures. If you want to create pictures that capture how special the event here are five of the best and most popular places for graduation day pictures in Melbourne. 

#1. Melbourne University 

Melbourne University like all other educational institutions has its own rules and guidelines about taking graduation photos during the graduation ceremony. Founded in 1853, this university offers a lot of alternatives for graduation photographs. They have limitations on how pictures can be taken during a ceremony and by whom. These are usually professional portraits that are standard. If you want something special and unique, there are a number of buildings on campus that make perfect backdrops. Melbourne is a popular location for professional photographers who love the period architecture an incredible lush grounds. It's one of the most photographed places in Melbourne.

#2. Parliament House 

Located on Spring Street, Parliament house has all the makings of a photo location with a classic and grand background. It is listed on the Heritage Register and gets a lot of visitors but during graduation season. You will find more than your average tourist or wedding party but groups of graduates looking for a special place to take special photos in a beautiful and historic setting. 

#3. Federation Square, Melbourne 

Federation Square is a multi-use development built on a concrete deck above Melbourne’s busy railway lines. It was created to be a public gathering space in the heart of the city. It is a great place to take graduation photos that show off the city of Melbourne as a backdrop. It is an extremely busy space not only because it is a public gathering spot but it offers the best city vistas. 

#4. Treasury Gardens 

Treasure Gardens are located on Spring Street on the South-eastern side of the city. The 14 acres of parkland have all the space you will need for a graduation shoot. These Gardens are listed as a Heritage site. They offer different options for graduation photographs. There is plenty of space for taking photos, but it is public parkland, so there is little you can do about people wandering through your shots. WO be prepared to have a couple of photo bombs. 

#5. Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens 

Located on Nicholson Street in Carlton just at the north-eastern edge of the city. If you want a gbackdropskdrop then you will find the sweeping lawns and tree-lined paths in the Carlton Gardens perfect. The gardens surround another heritage site, the Royal Exhibition Building. The building has an interesting architectural aesthetic. It is popular with people who want contrast in their graduation pictures.Melbourne has all kinds of picturesque locations for graduation pictures. If you want capture more than just students in their graduation regalia and you want something different and unique then you will find that there is a wide variety of great places that Melbourne offers. Visit these spaces before the photoshoot day so that you can plan the photoshoot better.