Top 5 Spots for Profile Pictures in Perth

If it's time for an update on your social media profiles, you should check out these great spots to take profile pictures in and around Perth.

Places In Perth Where You Can Choose For Photo Taking written by: janes2017 Over the years Perth has globally been known as the fascinating city with a lot to offer to photographers. If you desire to capture a diverse of splendors in their full glory, then Perth can be your best boastful destination where you can do all that without fear. Perth boasts of the best natural vistas and a variety of photo shooting sceneries in the world that are perfect for either family album or individuals. In particular, these are out favorite spots for taking a new profile picture.

King Park

If you want to make your friends fell jealous of your holiday, then King Park in Perth can be your first destination. Here you can capture the entire Perth city skyline at the fullness of its glory. King Park is known as the best destination for locals and photographers because of its elevated position that can give you a clear sweeping panoramic view over the Perth. Here you can get a clear view of a beautiful Darling Ranges and the Swan River.

Swan Valley

Swan Valley is the most celebrated wine region in the Western Australia, which is closer to Perth’s CBD. The presence of vines lined up in vineyards makes the Swan Valley in Perth another excellent place for photographers.

Elizabeth Quay

This is another place where you can never go on without mentioning. Elizabeth Quay can be captured from many angles. There you find the magnitude of the beautiful bridge and its curving lines and many other pieces of public arts. If you want to capture the brilliant shots of the city and its beautiful twinkling lights, then you can hang around until the dusk.

Hyde Park

Whichever the season of the year you would decide to visit Perth leafy inner-city park, you will have a magnificent shot for your occasion. From the blossom of the late spring in the shades of brown, orange, and red during the autumn season, Hyde Park in Perth will provide you a beautiful place to shoot a picture.

Araluen Botanical Gardens

The beautiful gardens of Araluen are found in the Roleystone valley in the Perth Hills. The best time to visit the Araluen Gardens and make your photograph for your occasion is during the springtime. During this time, you can have a good view their blooming displays of beautiful colorful tulips. At this place, it is also the Perth’s most excellent spot for bird watching. There you will see a variety of species of Australian native birds.

Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island is located in the Indian Ocean. Here you can find many photo shooting opportunities for your families, honeymoon, or the wedding. If you want to charm your occasion, you can wait until when the sun is setting in the west and make your Quokka selfie.

Perth Laneways

The grungy and hip lane ways of Perth’s town are always bursting with all sorts of vibrant street arts. On Wolf lane is also another hot spot where you can find both local and international arts. Arriving here is also another chance you have gotten to make an exciting backdrop for a snap.

Mundaring Weir

The giant dam located in the Perth Hills provides a beautiful bush view. The walls of the dam with its ornate observation are the also the best place for a photo or taking a drive up the gravel track up to the Golden View Lookout for the weir and the surrounding forest in the valley down there.

Crawley Boatshed

This is the Perth’s favorite photo shooting spot for important occasions such as a wedding or honeymoon. When you take your photo standing in front of the iconic vibrant blue building, you can never forget it.

Zig Zag

This is where the train track winds up the Perth Hills escarpment, making up a zig-zag picturesque photo of the Perth. This elevated view surrounding the city suburbs and then finally out to the ocean, gives a spectacular moment, especially during the wildflower seasons.