Top 5 Spots to Watch the Sunset in New York City

Because it's surrounded by water and coated in glass, New York City is an amazing place to watch the sun set. These are our five favorite spots.

Sunsets are beautiful to watch whether you are alone or in company of a friend or a loved one, in order to get a spectacular view or photo of the breath taking moment when the sun is setting you need to be positioned in a good spot. This article will be highlighting various places within New York City where you can take cool pictures of the sunset.

1. Valentino Pier

Located in Red Hook district Brooklyn, Valentino Pier and park offers a clear view of the sun setting with no buildings or tall sky crappers around that would block or cover the sunset, the good part about Valentino Pier and park as one of the best spot's for taking sunset photographs in New York City is that the statue of Liberty will also be captured in your picture as sunsets take place behind the statue of Liberty.

2. Staten Island Ferry

Imagine taking a photo of the sun setting on a moving ferry, sounds cool?, the Staten Island ferry is another good spot to take pictures of the sun setting, one will be overwhelmed by the many angles and positions a photograph can be taken. The Ferry operates between St George terminal which located on Staten Island and Whitehall terminal, Manhattan. While on route you will be able to choose your desired position for the photograph, it takes about 25 minutes for the Ferry to move from one terminal to the other and its free, so you will have various angles to choose from, 25 minutes of taking photographs and no one will ask you for a dime.

3. Top of the Rock Observation Deck

If you are afraid off heights, the Top of the Rock Observation Deck on Rockefeller Center might not be the place for you, in order to get a cool photograph of the sunset you have to soar 70 feet high, on the top of Rockefeller Center not only will you find a breath taking view of the sun setting but also a 360 degrees view of New York City right below you, Just like Valentino Pier and park your photo will have a touch of the City with the sun setting right behind it making the picture look beautiful.

4.Sunset Park, Brooklyn

As its name suggests, the Sunset park in Brooklyn is another good spot to take a picture of the sun setting, during the summer you are likely to find families in the park ready to watch the sunset, there is plenty of space and a perfect view of the sun setting over New York Harbor.

5.Brooklyn Bridge Park

While waiting for the sunset you may choose to relax or go for a walk, the sunset is spectacular, similar to The Top of the Rock Observation Deck you will be able to view the city but this time in front of you plus the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridge, with the sun rays resting on top of New York City a picture from this spot is awesome.

All the places mentioned above are great spots to take a photograph of the sunsets within New York City, But depending on the Weather and time of the Year, the sun may shift so be sure note that.