Good hotels are always looking for ways to improve their services and provide a better experience for guests. One feature that helps distinguish one hotel from another is their inhouse dining experience. Food and beverage services are a critical part of a hotel’s basic services and according to sales from food and beverages make up for about 25% of a hotel’s revenue. But hotels have been seeing increased pressure and competition from food delivery apps in recent years which has resulted in less demand.
Hotels need a way to win back the attention of their guests and better market their food services as part of the overall hotel experience. Focusing on images and using professional food photography has helped food delivery companies become successful online and will also help hotels get more guests into their restaurants and get more people ordering room service.
Photography is king for food
Professional food photography is the best way to attract hungry customers and plays a vital role in marketing food services. In fact, studies by food delivery platforms show that high-quality food photos can increase orders by 30% and menu conversion rates by 25%! Food delivery apps understand how effective images are at influencing customers and hotels need to also follow suit. Hotels that are not using professional food photography to promote their cuisine just waiting to lose business to food delivery apps.
Professional high-quality food photography can completely transform a hotel’s menu and greatly improve a hotel’s ability to market its food and beverage services.

Use food photography where it has the most effect
Hotels have a natural location advantage that food delivery apps will never be able to compete against. Locations such as the lobby, next to elevators, passenger pickup zones, and common spaces such as a pool or community room are ideal locations to promote a hotel’s dining services. Guests in these areas are often unoccupied and are seeking stimuli - which is why they are always on their phones anyway! Hotels should also take advantage of modern technology to promote its food services. Most hotels now have smart TV’s which can help advertise food services on the navigation or options menu, and these apps should be filled with beautiful, appetizing food photos.
Professional photography should not be limited to pictures of great food, but all aspects of the hotel that are appealing: unique features of the hotel’s restaurant, a great view, table setting, ambiance, decor, or live entertainment. Having a kitchen and restaurant is a huge asset for hotels that often goes underutilized but there are many ways to leverage food services and to provide an experience beyond a room and bed!

Professional food photography is absolutely necessary if hotels want to keep their food services competitive. There are more options today to order food than ever before and no one will want food from a restaurant that doesn’t have amazing food photos. The best way for hotels to get better food photos is to hire a professional food photographer using Snappr. With the largest network of professional food photographers, Snappr can get professional-quality photos anywhere, on-demand, and with as little as 2 hours notice. And all Snappr shoots are also professionally edited, ensuring stunning pictures that are irresistible to guests and will help hotels fight back against food delivery apps.
Contact Snappr’s enterprise photography team to learn how we can provide food photography for your business.